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Click on the teacher's name to be directed to their AMI Day plan.




What is Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI)?


An AMI make-up day will be determined by District Administration based on weather forecast and an actual day being missed due to inclement weather or for some other unforeseen reason. Once it is determined that a day has been declared as an AMI day, all district teachers and staff will be notified so that they may inform their students of the proposed date. Particular attention will be given to when the day is missed and if there are consecutive days missed. Again, the amount of instructional time lost due to days missed will be a determining factor as to whether or not a day would be declared an AMI day. The other factor to determine whether or not to claim an AMI day would be teacher access to students before and after the declared AMI day.


How will assignments be communicated to students?

HHS will implement a blended approach utilizing both technology resources and instructional materials that will be provided to students by their teachers. HHS teachers will prepare both low tech and high tech options for students to access during AMI days. Each teacher shall be responsible for developing and implementing assignments based on grade level and content. Content packets will be sent home periodically through the year (beginning in December).


Examples include:

HHS teachers will communicate with students prior to an AMI day on how to access the Alternative Method of Instruction and lessons associated with the AMI day(s).  Provisions will be made for students who have little or no access to technology within their homes to accommodate their learning.



Attendance will be determined by student completion of the assignment(s) for each class or grade level. Students will turn in assignments to their teachers upon return to school. Students will have two days to complete their work after missed days of instruction, and opportunities to receive assistance if needed. Once the lesson(s)/assignment(s) are complete, a student will be counted present for the designated AMI day.



Information will be posted on Heritage High School web page under the Menu, and sent by email and other methods of digital parent communication such as Facebook, Twitter, Remind 101, etc. Teachers will beavailable for communication during the hours of AMI via email, text, or Remind101.

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